Friday, April 19, 2013

In Days Like These

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost speaks to us through his word and through actions of man; the word speaks of the wickedness of man. Man's heart waxing cold, lovers of their selves. God destroyed a whole city because man was lusting after other men. Who would not believe the word that's speaking of times like these: Cold hearted murderers; killing innocent people, baby's being taken advantage of. If Satan has never been on his game, he is busy now destroying as the word speaks. Saints, we need to get on our "A" game. We can't stop the word from fulfilling but we can keep urging man to turn to God!

"Praying for all in Boston" 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Innocence Of Prayer

The innocence of prayer
Before day in the morning
Calling on Jesus
Calling Out names
Oh help us all Lord
For we know not what we do
Bless the innocence
 Touch somebody's heart today
Oh mighty God
The homeless
The government
Each and every one of us
Protect our children
Touch our body
We cry out to you for all
You know us better than we know ourselves
You know our beginning and our end
Help us make the right choices
Help us to help others
Help us to give you honor at all times
All these prayers we pray in your name

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Angel on Earth/Angel in Heaven
21 years of age, life gone, poof as a cloud of smoke. Born to an unwed mother, her life was short lived but she touched so many others. She generated life where ever she went; always pleasant and inspiring to others. It wasn't what she said it was the way she incorporated her personality into the atmosphere. As time went on, in her own way, she was seeking the Lord. Stricken with sickness, she sort the Lord as her refuge, him  and  only him. The night she was found in demise a tape was found she was making/singing the song "Praise Him." Even now, I can imaging her knowing it was her time and she and only she made peace with the Lord.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Have you ever wondered why churches have so many services? Wednesday night services, bible study, Sunday school, church, church, and more church.

You refill your car when needed. When it's time to go to work try calling in saying, " I can't refill my car with gas"!

You restock your grocery. Try going to the kitchen and there is no food for a months.

In a political position, we have election occasionally to elect new officers. Why?
To bring in newideas and to keep one person from becoming so powerful.

When you are born, you go to school to enhance your intellect so that you
may be able to contribute to society.

So is it, with the word of God! Nothing stays the same. Everything need to be
 reborn, renewed and reinstated.

So, is it any difference with the word of God? Hmmm!

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Give Me My Flowers

Flowers bloom and are beautiful. I would Love to smell and see mine before I am buried in the soil which the flowers grow.