Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Praise is honoring God for what he has done for you. Praise can be given by lifting of your hands, yelling out, crying and a Holy Ghost dance. Well, most would say “we don’t have a reason to Praise God”. If he woke you up this morning in your right mind, if you have a roof over your head, if he healed your body, if you have clothes on your back and food on your table. Then you owe God “Praise”. Glory!!!!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

The "Holy Ghost"


Once you open up your heart and let the “Holy Ghost” in. It goes to places within in you so deep. It awakens the inter depth of your belly; A place where nothing else can dwell. Only the Spirit of God can communicate with you on this realm.  It gets in touch with things no others can. It gives you guidance in your life if you listen.   The Holy Ghost can sweep a room and at that moment everyone and everything is in sync.  It gives you a feeling just for a moment what “Heaven” is like. It’s that feeling inside of you when you know you're about to do something wrong but something deep inside is noying at you saying; don’t do it!! Don’t do it. "The Holy Ghost" Try it, you’ll like it.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Just Saying!!!!!!

"The Word of God" is the same all over the world.
Jesus is Love
Jesús es amor!   Spanish

Jésus est son amour!  French

Иисус есть Любовь!   Russian

Do you love the Lord!

¿Usted ama el Señor!

Aimez-vous le Seigneur!

Вы любите Господа!
The love of money is the root of all evil!

El amor al dinero es la raíz de todos los males!

L'amour de l'argent est la racine de tous les maux!

Любовь к деньгам есть корень всех зол!


